Lockton Affinity, LLC, Author at Lockton Affinity's Council Insurance Program - Page 2 of 2

About Lockton Affinity, LLC

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So far Lockton Affinity, LLC has created 20 blog entries.

Tips for Managing Host Liquor Liability Risks

Alcohol is an important part of many celebrations, but it can also contribute to accidents, injuries and death. The potential liability for damages resulting from the consumption of alcohol has expanded over time to include the entities serving alcohol. If your council hosts an event at which beer, wine or spirits are served, you could [...]

By | March 15th, 2022|Risk management|0 Comments

The Step-by-Step Process of Purchasing Insurance from Lockton Affinity

One of the things that can make shopping for insurance for local councils so hard is not knowing what to expect. You hope that whatever company you choose will be easy to work with and offer the tailored coverage that you need, but it’s not always guaranteed. At Lockton Affinity, we aim to provide you [...]

By | December 2nd, 2021|Council tips, Insurance information|0 Comments

A Brief History of Insurance

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a very old saying and, in many ways, it's still the basis for the modern insurance that helps protect your Council. Insurance began with people seeking to control the dangers they faced by spreading out the risk among larger groups of people and making agreements to [...]

By | September 9th, 2021|Insurance information, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Tips for Gathering Safely

There's a lot to think about when you're planning a council event. In the past, things used to be simple. Just print up a flyer and wait for everyone to show up. But these days, even a small event takes more planning to pull off. Even before the pandemic, it was becoming increasingly important to [...]

By | June 2nd, 2021|Council tips, Risk management|0 Comments

Top 10 Safety Risks of Outdoor Events

As the weather gets nicer, many councils will plan outdoor events for members and guests. Everyone enjoys spending time outside, participating in a parade, having a picnic or just enjoying the great outdoors. But for event attendees to enjoy a safe outing, organizers need to spend some time thinking about what might go wrong. Every [...]

By | April 23rd, 2021|Council tips, Risk management|0 Comments

Your Guide to Working with Vendors

Working with vendors can be extremely beneficial to your council. Specialized vendors that handle your council's food and beverage, alcohol, cleaning or technical needs can be a big help, boosting efficiency while saving on costs. But working with vendors also presents some challenges. Partnering with a vendor can expose your council to added risk, so [...]

By | November 25th, 2020|Council tips, Risk management|0 Comments

How to Handle Complaints at the Council

Things often get busy at the Council, making it easy to overlook when a member, volunteer or guest brings up a complaint. Mistakes and misunderstandings happen every day, even when your Council is led by passionate, hard-working people. While we all would like to minimize our mistakes, how you handle these difficulties is often more [...]

By | November 4th, 2020|Council tips, Uncategorized|0 Comments

3 Common Fraternal Claims You Should Avoid

Every insurance claim is different, but some common fraternal claims come up more often than others. For local councils, general liability claims, property damage claims and liquor liability claims come up over and over. Your local council is at a higher risk from these common claims, which is why it's important to make sure you're [...]

By | September 1st, 2020|Insurance information, Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Stay Safe in the Heat

It's the height of summer, and many people are excited to be spending more time outdoors after COVID-related closures. But along with the fresh air and sunshine there is extreme heat that can be dangerous to your health. As your Council schedules activities outdoors this summer, take the heat into account. It could mean the [...]

By | July 21st, 2020|Staying safe, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Knowing the Signs of Serious Illnesses

It's not always easy to tell what's wrong when you don't feel well. Some symptoms can go unnoticed, while other signs of serious illnesses are so common we may ignore them. Knowing the signs of serious illnesses like heart attack and stroke helps protect your organization and community and can prevent an otherwise tragic outcome. [...]

By | May 20th, 2020|Staying safe, Uncategorized|0 Comments